Cooking with Patty

Frittata with green onions

Frittata with green onions – frittata coi cipollotti

A great summer dish that can be eaten with any meal.


2 eggs
1/4 cup green onions cut lengthwise
2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
salt to taste



1. Sauté the onions in a 6″ nonstick pan with the olive oil.
2. In a bowl beat the two eggs and a pinch of salt with a fork.
3. When the green onions are cooked put them in the eggs and mix well.
4. Put the eggs and onion back in the pan and cook at a low heat. Add more olive oil if needed.
5. When the frittata starts to brown turn it over and cook the other side until it starts to brown too.
6. Cut the frittata into wedges and serve.


If you are having trouble flipping the frittata without breaking it, try putting a plate over the pan like a lid and then turn the pan over so the frittata falls to the plate. Once you have the frittata on the plate you can let it slide back into the pan.

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